Crypto news: Binance Charity realizza la prima donazione su blockchain a un ospedale Italiano

Crypto news: Binance’s nonprofit foundation, Binance Charity, recently conducted a significant philanthropic project based on blockchain technology. 

Specifically, the initiative aims to support the establishment of the Clinical Nutrition Center at the capital’s main hospital. In addition, under this program, four scholarships were awarded to study coordinators. See below for all the details. 

Latest crypto news from Binance Charity: over 500 thousand euros donation to Policlinico Gemelli 

As anticipated, Binance, the leading global ecosystem of blockchain infrastructure and services, has taken a significant step in the field of charity by making the first donation on blockchain technology to an Italian hospital through Binance Charity, its philanthropic foundation. 

The donation, exceeding 500,000 euros, went to the Agostino Gemelli Irccs University Polyclinic Foundation, the first Italian hospital to open its doors to donations through Web3.

This initiative allowed Binance Charity to support in a transparent, efficient and timely manner the construction of the new Clinical Nutrition Center, along with the establishment of four scholarships dedicated to young study coordinators. 

We emphasize that the blockchain-based donation made the entire process traceable, secure and immutable.

The new clinics, focused on combating malnutrition in excess or deficiency, which is related to various diseases such as obesity, cancer and chronic inflammatory bowel disease, were inaugurated in conjunction with NutritionDay (nDay) on 9 November. 

This international day on nutrition involves more than 8,000 departments in 71 European nations sharing the results of an audit conducted internationally to monitor nutrition practices within hospitals.

Binance Charity revolutionizes global charity with Web3 and blockchain

Gianluigi Guida, general manager of Binance Italy, had the following to say on the matter: 

“As part of our ongoing commitment to the local communities and ecosystems of which we are part, we are proud to have contributed with our donation to the creation of a cutting-edge clinical center to support one of the crucial global challenges of our time, such as of nutrition. 

For years, Binance Charity has been dedicated to promoting philanthropic initiatives through the use of blockchain, leveraging the intrinsic characteristics of this technology to improve the security, transparency and efficiency of charitable projects. 

We are proud to see this long-standing commitment materialize today also in Italy with this project, which realizes the first blockchain-based donation to an Italian hospital. 

The Gemelli hospital embodies the dedication and commitment to excellence that Binance seeks to support and promote: we hope that this will help pave the way for an ever-increasing number of public and private entities that are able to open up to this technology, to benefit from the potential of blockchain to serve the community.”

In other words, it highlights how the recent donation made by Binance reflects the exceptional potential for impact of Web3 and blockchain technology in the social sphere. 

Indeed, Web3, an inclusive and open environment for all, proves accessible even in countries that are still developing, where traditional financial systems are limited. 

In this context, Binance Charity emerges as the world’s first decentralized charity platform, embracing the concept of “blockchain for social good.” 

Through an instant, traceable and secure donation process, 100% of donations directly reach the ultimate beneficiary, revolutionizing the donation system globally.

Binance’s enduring commitment to social good and global innovation 

In addition, Binance Charity’s recent charitable initiatives in Italy include the donation of $100,000 to the Italian Red Cross to support relief operations during the last flood that hit Emilia-Romagna.

Over the years, Binance Charity has implemented more than thirty charitable projects through the blockchain, donating a total of $23 million and reaching 2 million beneficiaries in more than 54 countries worldwide. 

In addition, the platform has raised over $60 million through cryptocurrency donations from its community.

Guida, in this regard, concluded as follows: 

“Over the years, Binance has played a key role in the evolution of blockchain, including in Italy. Despite the challenges, the company continues to grow and work to become a point of reference in the local Web3 landscape. 

This objective will be achieved through investments in education, collaborations with regulatory authorities and constant attention to the user community to meet their needs, with the aim of transforming Web3 technologies into a pillar of future innovation and, together , making these same technologies increasingly accessible and within everyone’s reach.”

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