Money Electric: Being Distracted By Nonsense – Bitcoin Magazine

Money Electric: Being Distracted By Nonsense – Bitcoin Magazine

This weekend I finally got around to watching Money Electric, the HBO documentary that “reveals” Bitcoin Core contributor Peter Todd as the true identity behind Satoshi Nakamoto. It’s three weeks old by now and already forgotten by the 24-hour social media cycle, but as someone who wrote a book on the origin story of Bitcoin I still felt I had to hear them out— perhaps just to comment on it in a Take. (As I am indeed doing now.)

Even watching it for that purpose was a waste of my time. Sure, I could tell you that the evidence for Todd being Satoshi is very thin and circumstantial at best, but Rizzo has already done a sufficient job at that. I could also tell you that Satoshi’s real identity is irrelevant to begin with, since Bitcoin is a free and open source protocol that stands on its own, but that’s obvious too. Or I could emphasize once again that even if Satoshi really owns the roughly million bitcoin that are commonly attributed to him (itself a contested claim), he mined these coins fairly by investing computing power in mining, just like anyone else could have done.

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