AI-Inspired Business Started with Less than $200 Makes Two Friends over $200,000 in 7 Months

AI-Inspired Business Started with Less than $200 Makes Two Friends over $200,000 in 7 Months

Two friends have recently leveraged their rare artificial intelligence (AI) skills to build a six-figure business. According to a CNBC report, it took the friends – Sal Aiello and Monica Powers – only about four days to build the side hustle called “DimeADozen”.

DimeADozen is an AI-backed research tool that helps budding entrepreneurs research their markets in the best way possible.

Aiello and Powers met last year at a virtual startup founder meetup event, and the duo quickly got off to a working relationship. At the time, they also needed help as they planned to come up with a business idea. So, they thought to run their ideas past OpenAI’s ChatGPT, hoping that the chatbot would help nudge them in the right direction.

They soon found out, however, that they had an uncommon skill: knowing exactly what to ask ChatGPT and getting targeted answers.

It was this realization that birthed DimeADozen this March. The tool requires entrepreneurs to fill out a form about their business idea, before using the information to get the best results from ChatGPT.

With a fee of $39, “want-repreneurs” can get comprehensive reports about their business ideas in record time.

‘AI Does Print Money’, Delighted Duo Declared

For Aiello and Powers, the business venture has proven to be a lucrative one. Aiello believes that this is yet another indication that AI really does print money.

According to documents reviewed by CNBC Make It, the duo raked in over $66,000 in profits in under seven months. That is even more impressive considering that they spent only $185 in total on web domain and hosting.

Interestingly, the partners have also recently reached an agreement to sell the business to a prospective buyer for a whopping $150,000. A couple identified as Felipe Arosemena and Danielle de Corneille are willing to pay the said amount and make DimeADozen their full-time job, says Aiello.

Aeillo and Powers have confirmed that they intend to stay on as advisors to the new owners of the company. Working about 5 hours a week, Powers and Aiello will continue using their prompt engineering skills to tweak and update prompt parameters. This might be necessary considering that there have been reports of under-performance even on the part of ChatGPT.  So, there is always the risk of AI hallucinations where chatbots releases information that sounds appropriate but are far from the reality.

Aiello is a longtime CTO for tech startups, and Powers is a product designer who currently runs a strategic design and branding company called Mascot. The duo currently have three other joint side hustles like DimeADozen with plans to create even more.


AI-Inspired Business Started with Less than $200 Makes Two Friends over $200,000 in 7 Months

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